
4 October 2011

Free For All

Last night saw the first in a new programme we're running at CU - UCCF's "Free For All" programme. It's a series of talks/discussions/activities aimed at mobilising CUs into evangelism; not through tips, or dos and don'ts, but through teaching us the fundamentals of the gospel we believe in.

It's like in anything in life - the more we know about something, the better we can share it. Except this is different from other things in life, because the more we know about it, the more we'll want to share it.

We kicked off last night with a look at our God. We eavesdropped on Jesus' prayer in John 17, and were able to have a closer look at the way our triune God operates. Many suggestions of illustrations for the trinity have been offered in the past - sheep and wool, water, steam and ice (I even attempted one last night using the idea of a mobius strip), and yet all of these ideas are very limited. 

To steal the words of our speaker, Pete - none of the these illustrations communicate the immense love which is present in our God. Ice can't love steam, but God the Father loved his Son "before the foundations of the earth"! The challenge for us is to model this love - Jesus prays for Christians in the prayer that we might reflect the oneness of him and his Father.

I think if we were to ever properly understand the trinity then this would detract from the awesomeness of God. If God were able to be fully understood in our human terms then wouldn't that humanise him? 

Mercifully God allows us enough knowledge of him in order for us to come into relationship with him - knowledge revealed to us in the Bible. We aren't given too little, or too much information for anything - we're given exactly what we need. In this case, we are given knowledge that God loves, and so we must love.

Showing God's love in our relationships with others will show that the good news of Jesus really is "Free For All".

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