
20 March 2012

Acts 9

Last night's study was challenging in a couple of ways - just thought I'd briefly share how I thought we can all be challenged. Feel free to disagree.

Firstly: If God can save Saul, then is there anyone he can't save? There are only a few verses between Saul setting out to "destroy the church" and Saul "proving that Jesus was the Christ". How awesome is that? The challenge to us is to let God be the boss of who can and can't believe, not us. Regardless of our views on the P word, God is far more loving than we often are, and so it makes far more sense for us to trust him in our outreach. Our vision statement is to "give every student on campus the chance to hear about and respond to Jesus". How well do we fulfil the "every student" part of that vision?

Secondly: We chatted for a while in our small group about the impact Saul had on the setting he was in, and discussed what we should learn from that. When we read about people's actions in the Bible, I don't think we're called to copy them to the letter. Rather, we have to identify the ways in which we can mirror the impact Saul had in Damascus and Jerusalem, and replicate that impact on our campus.

I realise this post is slightly different, but I thought throwing a load of questions out there might help us in our thinking, and might spark discussion. Feel free!

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