
22 April 2012


One thing I've always struggled with is priorities. I like to keep busy - you'll probably find I'm at my best when there's plenty going on in my life, but in terms of putting things in the right order I'm often guilty of prioritising the wrong thing, and neglecting the things which really need my time.

I guess we're always told as Christians that God should be our first priority. Well, yes... And no.

If I make my Uni work a priority over my time in the pub, then that means I completely forgo the pub, and spend time at home working on a design, an essay, a project. If I make my social time a priority over my Uni work, then I'll completely forgo (for a short while at least!) my Uni work, and go to the pub with some friends.

If I'm to make God just one of a set of priorities, then we get one of two outcomes.

If we liken God to my work in situation one - then that leaves very little time for anything else in life. Spending time with him one-on-one, spending time praying, spending time at church - all this is vital. But spending no time outside of this bubble isn't what God wants for us. He wants us embracing his wide world, he wants us to spend time with people who aren't Christians, he wants us to raise families, get degrees, work hard... and play hard too!

If we liken God to my work in situation two, then we're in a very sticky situation. This implies that actually, he comes second, and we only focus on him when other stuff is finished, and is out of the way. Of course, I don't need to expound why this is a bad way to be, although I know it's something I all too easily slip into.

So if God isn't priority one OR two, where do we place him?

Who likes Blackpool rock? Personally I can't stand the stuff - but have you noticed how on the sticks they have the words "Blackpool Rock" running right through them? No matter where you break the rock, you'll read these words, and no what it is you're dealing with!

May I suggest God must be these words, and that the stick of rock our lives? You see, it's not that God should occupy a place on our list of priorities, but he should be the reason each one of those things are on our list. He needs to be present in every area - our work, our family, our friendships, our time in the pub... Only then is this true worship of him. 

This has certainly helped me in recent weeks. Recognising God is far too important to just occupy a ranking in our lives, and that he fully deserves to be involved in everything we do glorifies him, and motivates us to include him in all we get up to. 

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