
16 February 2012

Full on love

"John 3:16: the greatest love of all" was written on my timeline on Valentine's morning (along with the picture below - something I've tried numerous times to achieve at work and subsequently failed).

I'm not the world's biggest fan when it comes to V-Day - and Fi knows it. The only way she'd stand a chance of getting a smile out of me would be to reference a love far stronger and far more important than the love we share with one another.

Everyone has times when they feel lonely, unloved, unwanted... But the reminder of John 3:16 that morning seemed so timely that I had to share it. In these times we can take great comfort from knowing the creator of the universe loves us - loves us enough to die the death we should have died.

I can't even begin to fathom love like that. It's so huge, so powerful, so undeserved... And yet it's so real. Jesus, God in human form, was nailed to two planks of wood in the greatest love story the world has ever seen. You don't see too many V-day cards with crucifixions on the front though, do you?

Incredibly, God's love doesn't just stop there! Not only does Jesus take away our death sentence, but he offers us a chance to live in his house forever. It's a complete turnaround! A complete swap!

The Bible is very clear that God loves everyone, but he can't do this swap with us unless we're willing - you can't take someone on a date unless they actually want to go with you!

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